Thursday, July 3, 2014


Unfortunately, I don't have as much time as I would like to blog but I always have tons of photos I'd like to share so I decided to join Twitter and Instagram! If you'd like to follow us there, we're at and

So if you'd like a daily dose of cuddles and adventures, check us out there! I'm excited because it will definitely force me to be much less fidgety and selective with my photos. I've got so many that I've never even looked at or gone through!

We're also on Facebook at and YouTube at Let us know if you are on any of those sites so we can connect(if we haven't already)! I'm always up for seeing more of your pooches too:)

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Photo Shoot! 
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  1. I know what you mean about not having as much time for blogging, I've got a Twitter account (really new to me) and an Instagram that I've had for a while now. I'll be following you!

    1. Cool! I've got a million blog ideas, I probably come up with at least one new one each day but I'm trying to learn how to prioritize and often the blog goes on the back burner:(

  2. YAY! Definitely will be following you on instagram!!!

  3. I wondered if I'd been overlooking you there all this time, or if you were new. I love Twitter probably more than I should.

    1. We've been on Facebook for a long time but not these 2. I like twitter too. I read it a lot more than I tweet, I follow a bunch of celebrities;)

  4. I hear ya baout lack of time. For me, it is also lack of internet. I often sit in my car at lunch in the parking lot of McDonald's for the free wifi (thats where I am right now!) I will still be looking for your blog. BTW - I love your new header photo!!

    1. When I had no internet I used to go to Whole Foods and Starbucks all the time...haha.
